Hello fellow Creators! 👋🏽
We hope you've been keeping healthy and safe. Our Crew has been in tip-top shape crunching on some updates, just for you. Here's what we've been up to:
New Features 💫
Check out the new Switch and Lever mechanical assets we've added to your Collections!
- We also added some new Nodes! Now, you can use “If False” Node and a “Set True” Node to complement the existing “If True” and “Set False” Nodes in your Canvas.
- You can now delete your own Spaces through the Basecamp !
- Check out the new media panel in our collections.
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Fixed an issue where it would be impossible to complete a node connection in your Scenario Canvas when the connection would be dragged outside the Canvas.
- Fixed a bug where an invisible asset would still have a grab outline when hovering over it with your hand.
Fixed an issue that prevented some animations from playing properly in Play mode.
- Fixed a bug that prevented player Avatars from being duplicated when joining a same multiplayer session a second time.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Spaces from being displayed in the Basecamp whenever only one Space was available.
- Fixed a problem where the multiplayer would not replicate properly when having many trigger zones references in the scenario.
- Fixed a bug where having multiple Spaces with the same name would make them unplayable.
- Fixed an issue where the "Save As" button was available after exiting a multiplayer experience from a Space.
Improvements 👍🏻
- Added visual hints whenever a scenario could not start properly. Just go back in your Scenario Canvas to see if any nodes changed color. Red nodes means that your connections are not valid, while grey reference nodes means that they lost their reference to their Space assets.
Cloning a mechanical asset will also clone its attributed mechanical values.
- It's now possible to Teleport with an asset in hand, without teleporting onto it.
- Improved precision when typing a value in a remix panel by allowing more decimal after the comma.
- Scenarios are now replicated for remote users that join a session already in progress. Every user should be at the same step when they join.
- Improved the snapping mechanic to allow easier manipulation of the snapped assets.
That's what we've been up to these last Sprints. As per usual, we invite you all to share your feedback and get in touch with any questions and suggestions. We love hearing about what you've been up to with StellarX. In the meantime, keep on creating and keep on playing!
- The StellarX Crew ✨