Hi again, 👋🏽
Another Sprint, another update! Here's what we've been up to these past two weeks:
New Features 💫
- We've added previews of our Template Spaces so that you can get a sneak peek of what they're like and what they're about. 👀
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Fixed an issue that caused the displayed creation date of Spaces to be incorrect.
- Fixed a bug where snapped assets in Preview mode would not be restored to their initial position when swapping back into Create mode.
- Fixed an issue with the Base Camp Space selection where entering a Space in play mode would sometimes launch the wrong Space. (Sorry about that.)
Improvements 👍🏻
- Improved the rendering quality of imported assets.
- Reduced the loading time when executing StellarX from Steam.
That's about it for this time around. We hope that you enjoy this updated version. Again, please reach out to us with any questions, comments, or even suggestions. We're always happy to hear from our awesome community of creators! Keep on creating and keep on playing!
- The StellarX Crew ✨