The Instructor
Instructors can get a detailed view of their trainees' learning progress in StellarX right in their LRS (Learning Record Store). Here’s how to do it.
Step 1 : Set up LRS and Activity Provider
The StellarX team is currently using Scorm as an LRS. While you can use an LRS of your choice, we’ll use Scorm to show you how to set things up as it is a popular choice.
- Create an account (choose the appropriate plan that suits your needs)
- On the home page, open the xAPI LRS tab
- On the xAPI LRS tab, open the Activity provider section
- Click on Add Activity provider
- Select “Initial Application for {Your name}’s realm” for Allowed endpoint
- Select Read/Write for Permission level
Step 2 : Send LRS credentials to learners
Once the LRS is correctly set up, the instructor must send credentials to the learner so that their account sends analytic statements to the correct LRS.
- The LRS Endpoint
The LRS Endpoint can be found in the LRS Endpoint section. The URL corresponding to “Initial Application for {Your name}’s realm” is the one to use.
2. Key and Secret
Both the Key and Secret can be found in the Activity Providers Section in the Activity Provider set up previously.
Note : If the Activity Provider details is not showing your key and Secret, click on Show Details
Step 3 : View LRS statements
Once learners are in possession of the credentials and experience a tracked scenario, statements will start to be recorded and can be viewed by the instructor in the LRS.
To view statements, go to the LRS Viewer section and select “Initial Application for {Your name}’s realm” for the “View Statements in” Input.
Note : Refresh to keep getting new statements.
Each statement includes :
- Learners StellarX account email
- Description of the task which was interacted with
- In case of interaction with the Record Score Node: Fail or Success and Scoring in Percentage will be displayed