Simply put, Nodes are small scriptable units that contain specific information and editable properties that you can Remix when you Create a Scenario in the Canvas. In essence, StellarX Nodes provide creators with visual scripting capabilities.
✨ And, it's thanks to the visual scripting capabilities offered by the scenario-building system, Nodes, which contain data and logic, can be used bring assets in your Space to life, without code!
Understanding Nodes
Nodes capture, process, and distribute information when linked to other Nodes in a given Canvas.
This is what a single Node looks like in the Canvas:
Each Node contains input and output connectors represented by the > Flow In and Flow Out > fields in the example above. When connected to one another, these flow control links change color, from gray to blue.
The other connection points offer input and output capabilities, which allow for data and values to be transmitted from one node to another to create a wide array of effects on an asset or the scenario itself.
Placing Nodes
New nodes are added to the Canvas by selecting a Node from the Nodes Menu, which contains different Node Categories for each type. Using the controller pointer it's possible to place Nodes anywhere on the Canvas.
How do Nodes work?
Nodes can be applied individually or connected to one another with Links in order to transform a basic 3D asset into a dynamic and interactive assets that may or may not be offset by scenario-driven interactions.
For instance, a creator can use an Animation Node to animate otherwise static assets, or a Media Node to play a specific audio file during a scenario. For instance, the example below showcases how an audio clip can be triggered to play using the Nodes.
Types of Nodes
Since Nodes contain different types of information and parametrizable properties, there are different Node categories available in the Nodes Menu for use in the Canvas. Below is a snapshot of the Nodse Menu, along with a listing of the different Node categories, sub-categories, and Node types.
To open the Nodes Menu, click on the joystick or trackpad of your controller.
List of Node Categories